thought of the day 2/6/2025 i have been neglecting this page of the site omg! maybe thats okay im basically spilling the whole bowl of chili in public fashion but whatevs let the stain consume. i just ate a banana and an everythang bagel with cream cheese and i have to go to school soon. i had a relationship end and my cat die the same day (monday). i'm not sure if i'm finding strength and control over my emotions or im blowing past them and shoving them in the closet. either way its hard to put a finger on how im feeling. ive had labels reaching out about about doing an LP too which is flattering and fun to see the message but overall stressful. this has been my personal little baby and giving a piece of it to a person/organization designed to increase exposure and financial gain, be it lovely people and organizations, is conflicting. im broke and booked for so much travel with other groups, idk what im gonna do. listening to martin newell off white album and i suppose that is helping. maybe banana bread is the ideal outcome in the life of a banana. it starts green and a bit sour and tough, won't open up. has a beautiful moment that is observed as perfect when it is completely yellow, comfortable in it's skin, ready for anything. it starts to brown and some believe it is not as desirable, while others prefer this state. the browning consumes it while less and less want it, it risks getting thrown out. but just at that tipping point, it allows a helping hand to freeze it. it again has potential and purpose. the helping hand can introduce it to other foods, mix them together, and carefully bake them to make something more beautiful than every state it had once traversed. there is nothing wrong with that, and the banana shouldn't have any reservation about lonesome purity. going to stop saying fried shit and go to school byeeeee ily
thought of the day 11/13/2024 ugh i want time to do this all the time! i want to be a gfb! just got back from skull cult tour fun but cwazy and now im broke as hel! grind does not stop back with the kiddies at school which can be grueling but they inspiring beams of light in a difficult and confusing world. been in chicago lots hanging with delaney she is very cool. i think these songs are getting too complicated and i wanna make some silly little punk songs. but i also dont! confliction., television is a very good band. i found a good book in the outdoor half price section of the strand in nyc trying to assimilate the tom verlaine vibes always! i think i always end up working in reactions towards things and trying to differentiate what i make from everything i hear so maybe thats where the complicated songs are coming from. indiepop and punk and hc are the things that have filled my cornucopia and uncaged my restless heart but now i want to make things that don't fit into conventions of any of them! probably not succeeding at that anyways. read an interview with kevin barnes where he said the nature of his lyrics has made some relationships difficult and that terrifies me! all these songs are about people and situations in my life. hopefully obscured by enough abstraction to avoid any pinning of the tail. but also if anybody does its fine its just real feels. public jangly diary!
thought of the day 7/5/2024 sitting in my new house that i share with my friends kevin and judah and listening to cal tjader's soul sauce in my undies, a moment of bliss. my foot is broken from being a zip line speed freak in the woods by ari's house but it is healing and i'm really glad it was my foot and not anything else! i need to bring over plates currently feasting on paper towels. my summer teaching job kicked me out because of my foot, which is cray cray cause i move more than some teachers do normally with the boot on! must return with "no restrictions". my ass! gonna try to score unemployment momentarily. also stuck paying double rent until i find somebody to sublet my old place through September. i'm fckd! but everything will work out I know it! everything happens for a reason right? thinking about music a lot but not making any, everything seems chaotic and busy. stuck on some big pictures like putting a tape/lp/ep something larger together. and this dang music video! these things will come with time. maybe i should get some vibes in the mix cal style.
thought of the day 5/1/2024 new month new me! had the most incredible neighborhood adventure the other day, hopped in the little yellow LIFE car and let it take me with the wind. met lots of beautiful new faces, and at the end of the day, learned a lot. love thy neighbor and take them to a fish market where they see their niece they haven’t seen in years and go to their step brothers house and get in their pest control guys lincoln and learn about his family and take in his boundless wisdom. it’s really hot in here i need to get the ac unit in. cooking on tunes but constantly obsessing over the juxtaposition of simplicity and meticulous production! its either 4 tracks or 32. bestie blair is gonna make a vid teacher gangggg! i need to write more often i think this is good for my soul and hyperactive thyroid! if you’re reading this welcome to my private corner of the internet lol maybe one day ill be cool enough to get off all the destructive grids that bind us and just exist here digitally. make hay while the sun is shining, crow loudly while you’re still a young rooster! also i wrote a song today and its been awhile so that makes me happy. peace out
thought of the day 4/1/2024 got april fooled by my student thaddeus today it was so good! he went in for a long hug, i thought nothing of it. reached into my coat pocket a moment later and felt something, i was confused and scared. what did i pull out? an apple slice!!! he snuck it into my pocket during the hug, and promptly hit me with a big "APRIL FOOLED YOU!" it was amazing. starting to feel better, spring is springing.
thought of the day 2/11/2024 meditated again today for the first time in a hotttt minute. might be transcending this astral plane or something. i should eat better toooo much choco but mmmm its so yummy. theres probably lots of little ways im cutting years off my life anyways so its actually really no biggie. you are what you eat!! some natural light has me feeling like a million bux so important for my psyche well being. listening to records too. maybe some day we will have a record lmao. need to get more trax back to martin ugh. theres a lot of cool peeps in st louis its kinda like utah for mormons except for "punks". lol but fr. video by demi coming soon its gonna be so epic. also conor just helped with some art it make my heart the big heart. might have some dawgs on drums for some upcoming trax. lots of songs being made they might be remade but maybe we will have a demos collection called scraps (nrbq reference) some day. one lil drum machine loop can go a pretty long way but sometimes not long enough idk. im not opposed but whats with the big trend of punkie poos slowing down and having their bob dylan singer songwriter era? are pedal steels and acoustics a better vehicle to present a well written pop song than noisy guitars and feedback? both are fine its just my dumb instinct to react against whatever i see happening around me, need to chill lolol. speaking of big lols matrix w hotline tnt and skull cult with snooper?? we are succumbing to the darkness. fucccc it tho fun times ahead. i wonder how many beats my heart has left in it. gngngn heart :)
thought of the day 12/14/2023 bananas are soooo yummy. top 5 fruit or berry or whatever. they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away but that is soooooo not true! ive been eating a lot of apples and keep getting sick. maybe they came from a bad tree. speaking of bad tree i think i need to just be done with weed its always more trouble than its worth. i have so many edibles i think ill just give them to friends. brain feels so foggy i think i really need to trip with some toxic people. we throw that word around a lot tbh. i try to have a lot of grace in my heart for people, were all on our own struggle bus barreling down lifes highway and a bad driver isnt always a bad person. some people really look like santa, rick rubin is one. maybe all those people really are santa. someday i wanna read the bible, im not religious but it seems like an interesting book. crazy that i guess baby jesus was born in palestine and had to flee to avoid being killed and now were in the midst of a brutal genocide of palestinians. merry christmas i guess. i think im gonna see family, kinda awkward but cathartic and nice in a subconcious way i guess. so many movies to watch and no time. christmas movies and jean luc godard who everyone seems to like. whats the big fuzz? on a mission from god to keep guitars alive.
dream from 6/26/2023 we had a show with the crabs at a strange bar in burlington. the rooms were full of art that never sold, and the building design was more like that of a church. I got there early and joey was in a relatively good mood. i talked to him lightly until another older man came over, who spoke to him briefly. their conversation ended with joey saying “sleeping with the wife tonight wouldn’t be much better than sleeping with the dalmatian”. i saw the warmth flush from his face and his mood sour. I walked over to the room where the bands performed. It was like a small run-down pizza place with a checkerboard floor damaged by decades of stains unattended to. in the corner sat a small fish tank. upon closer inspection it was a microwave filled with water. perhaps they couldn’t afford a real fish tank. inside were 3 fish, a semi-large crab, and a very small crab which was trapped under the bottom plate in the microwave and appeared dead. a man approached and proceeded to give a short explanation of why the crabs were in there, and that one fish was named “mr. fish”. he made no mention of the fact that it was a microwave. like some surreal fever i blinked and the building was full of people walking around, the doors were open. or maybe I’d just been studying this strange fish tank longer than i realized. joey walked over with whom i deduced to be his daughter, about my age it seemed. she had a friendly energy, and we exchanged some words. joey walked through to the next room of this large building and she ran off to catch up with him. i slowly walked in the same direction to see what was happening, and it was almost like a science fair. in the corner was a table with some crazy contraption sat on it, 5 serious looking adults in lab coats, and a large tv. the object on the table looked something like a paintball gun. the man next to the gun leaned over into my ear and said sternly, “with this, you never lose.” again it was as if I blinked and an hour passed. the people had cleared, and I walked back to the performance area. the show was to start soon, the crabs soundchecking on stage, and there wasn’t a soul in the room. i could feel they were very unhappy about this situation up on stage. i walked over to the fish tank. the crab in the center had suddenly grown about 3 times it’s previous size, almost filling the inside of the microwave. the other crab was still trapped under the plate, but now scurrying around in an effort to free himself. suddenly the large crab slowly unreeled it’s long, spindly, still developing claw, and stuck it right into the mouth of mr. Fish. it went deeper, and deeper, until mr. fish's eyeballs popped out, his body tore apart, and blood filled the water. i could hardly watch, so i walked away, and the crabs were gone. they had decided to cancel the show since there were absolutely 0 people. the weather was fair, cars drove past, people went about their days normally, and i stood completely alone in this room. perhaps just in needing to break the crushing feeling of total isolation, i walked back over to the fish tank. inside sat a large brain, almost filling the tank. i could barely see the other life in the tank, any of it left trapped underneath the brain and squirming around for help. I woke up.
progressive knife review Progressive Knife is a band started recently in the bowels of the 317, the vibrant and diverse scene that is currently Indianapolis, IN. Featuring only drums, vocals, bass, and keytar (until last night’s sold-out event, “Such a very Progressive Knife Christmas”, which appears to have featured a standard keyboard on a table, bummer) it is immediately deduced that they mean business. They fall firmly into place with a rich lineage of Indiana-based synth-punk and no-wave acts, bringing to mind bands like MX-80 Sound, Dow Jones & The Industrials, Amoebas In Chaos, and C.C.T.V. Walking the line between utterly pretentious and profoundly original, they aim to subvert expectations at every turn. Their only public presentation of themselves, apart from their short but powerful live sets, is their Instagram. This page features exclusively compilations of Tik-Toks, ranging from darkly hilarious to cringe-inducingly absurd. Much like the online presence of BC,NR (during their ascension) or that of DJ Lucie R, this social media mystique does add to their potency. Supposedly, (speaking from a second-hand account) for their first couple of shows, they rolled out a small tv, which played a VHS tape pre-loaded with a series of Tik-Toks, and arranged their musical performance to precisely match the cuts of the videos. To me, this sounds like an incredible idea, but those who witnessed it seem glad it was ditched. My first experience with this band was during a show at Thunderbird, which included Mana, Moiscus, and Data Unknown. Collectively, I must admit it’s probably the best show I’ve ever seen, to the ego enlargement of them all. Each set complimented each other in a perfect sequence of diverse but equally powerful bands, from grind-core to shoegaze-pop, but moments of the Progressive Knife set were absolute highlights of the night. A barrage of ramshackle dance-punk noise, held together by a thread extending from the pulse of drummer Kanji and wrapping around the transfixed audience, it was brilliant. Intense squeals of alien noise from the keytar, and such dramatic and slower-than-you’d-expect tremolo on the vocals, the song structures were hardly discernible. For the entirety of their "<"20 minute set, I was an inch off the ground, completely captivated. They’ve now released their first recordings into the world, be it with no online announcement, and I had high expectations to say the least. “Jester’s Privilege” is a 5-minute long sliver of light into what this band has to offer. I’m afraid to say, the minuscule flame still burning inside me from that night at Thunderbird has been ever-so-slightly doused. They’ve traded in unintelligibility for clarity, and explosiveness for structure. The mix is clear and easily digestible, the effected vocals have been mixed with dry vocals, and the keys stripped of any distortion and feedback. They’ve been tamed and trapped inside a cardboard box, which in silver-lining could be easier for the common uninitiated listener to open. Many elements of this band I love are present, but they’re presented in much more subtle ways than I’d like. Progressive Knife have played the jester and sold us short. A valiant first effort from one of the most exciting and promising bands in Indiana.